European Diplomacy Championship


From Friday, August 26rd to Sunday, August 28th 2016

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Registered players (73)
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Register to the 24th European Championship of Diplomacy

Diplomacy The 24th European Diplomacy Championship will take place in the 16th District of Paris, on August 26th, 27th and 28th August 2016. The high school Notre-Dame-des-oiseaux will host the convention on the 12 rue Michel Ange, in Paris, for the pleasure of everyone. It already hosted the European Diplomacy Championship in August 2010. The tournament will take place in the main room of the high school with a large area of negociation, indoor and outdoor. There will be a bar providing drinks and food.

The 24th European Championship of Diplomacy is not a simple tournament where the only slogan could be: I want to win, I want to win. What would the game Diplomacy without all the good moments of good humor and companionship which follow to each game. For all the travellers, that will be a good way to ally visit of Paris and Diplomacy... and to meet a lot of really nice people from all over the world.


On Friday starts the European Diplomacy Championship. One round takes place this Friday, the first round from 18:45 to 23:30. Enjoy to play during a quiet evening.

The late evening will be the time to pack the boards and knives. To spend a good night in Paris, we suggest you to discover many bars which have made the legend of Saint-Germain-des-Pres.

Diplomacy Saturday, the second day of the EuroDipCon, will decide who will have the honnour to play the top board. Two rounds take place this Saturday, the second round from 10:15 to 15:00 and the third round (and last qualifying round) from 16:45 to 20:30. The second round, on Friday afternoon, will be one of the big rendez-vous of the tournament, the team round. Sandwiches and drinks will be still available to during the whole day to give you more and more energy to reach your final goal. After the third round, on Saturday evening, we will know the name of the 7 players qualified for the top board.

When the games will be finished, we will go to the center of Paris to spend another good time together. You will (re)discover the pleasure of the night in Paris. You will be able to make some boardgames in the hotel La Louisiane. An area will be booked for that.

Diplomacy Sunday morning, after another short night, that last day of the tournament will start. At 10:15, when the final round will start, the pressure will be higher. The seven best players, who have shown the best diplomatic skill, are going to measure their own strength in the unbearable suspense of the top board. The goal will be the title of 24th European champion of Diplomacy. The other players could participate in this final round to improve their ranking, which could even enable them to get a place on the podium, or simply for the pleasure of playing a good game of Diplomacy.

The Award Ceremony will take place at 15:30, the time of happiness and disappointment! But whatever happens, you will keep a good memory of that weekend in Paris.

Get ready to join us, and register now to the twenty-fourth European Championship of Diplomacy!

Paris, July 1st, 2016

Register to the 24th European Championship of Diplomacy